expired on Jan 10, 2016
Individual Paper Submission and Review is Working
Individual Paper (IP) Submission
Make Session Type "Individual Paper" available -
Limit the Characters for "Abstract" to 1700 -
Do not limit the number of Co-Authors -
Only one IP-Submissions per Submitter. -
Co-Authors should be able to submit an own session.
To be clarified
Lead Submitters of a Special Session should (not?) be able to submit an individual paper - Answer:
Contributors of a Special Session should (not?) be able to submit an individual paper - Answer:
Individual Paper Review
IP-Submitters are able to Reserve TWO IP-Submissions for Review -
Each IP-Submission can only be reserved by TWO IP-Submitters -
IP-Submitters can un -
The reserved Submission has to be of the same Subcategory the IP-Submitter has submitted in -
Reviews can only TO BE CONTINUED!
Each paper receives one review from the expert reviewers -
The expert-reviewer review counts twice as much as a peer review, so the average is calculated as follows: (PeerReview1 + PeerReview2 + 2*Expert-Review) / PerrReviewCount + ExpertReviewCount * 2