Global Search
As a visitor of,
I can, by entering an obvious search term, access:
(a) the membership form
(b) a contact e-mail to reach the ecobytes admin
(c) information on commons infrastructure
(d) information on one of the projects that uses ecobytes infrastructure
(e) a list of services that ecobytes offers
So that I don't need to click through a hierarchy of links first because I already know what I am looking for.
As a search engine crawler,
I can associate certain pages with certain search terms and phrases
So that they are easier to find by my users.
As an onboarding blog author for ecobytes,
I can list all blog posts on a certain topic
So that I know what and when has been published.
The site builds with a page index -
A search field is available on every page, accessible by keyboard and mouse, opening a modal -
There is structured meta data that tells search engines how to interpret a page #31
Edited by Flupsi