Further integrating mutual credit concepts into exchange
This is undeveloped yet, but I want to get the thought out here.
In starting to work more with the mutual credit people around the MAN, and also with a network that wants to combine mutual credit and production (GoPacifia in Argentina @gopacifia), there has been some discussion of how this would work.
In mutual credit, you basically get credits in exchange for another resource or contribution or work/service. The credits can be used as currency within the scope of some context.
In #32 we are getting to a model of being able to exchange or reciprocate based on events of any kind, for example work. We have modeled Commitment and CommitmentEvent (vf names not determined) as being the way to manage the many-to-many relationships that happen (partial payments, payments for more than one shipment, etc. - using the standard business terms to get across the idea, of course it can be anything). For some use cases, this takes the place of Claim.
I think in addition, it would be useful to represent these commitments (or something) as something that can be transferred or issued, like mutual credit can. It couldn't apply to all Commitments, which have different strengths of commitment. And maybe it goes another direction.
This happens now in the conventional business world where companies can and do sell their accounts receivable.
For OVNs we know, who distribute income based on value equations, they don't trade their claims based on their contributions. But why couldn't they? What if you were issued some credit immediately on recording of your contribution based on the value equation (or any other agreement)? And then you could use your credit in other exchanges?
Like I said, this is just a high level concept right now. I think I would start with seeing how McCarthy handles it, and then think about the model @elf-pavlik and I have been working on together for how reciprocity works.
Thoughts? Crazy?