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Valueflows has moved to https://codeberg.org/valueflows/valueflows. Please join us there.
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Django (old versions) backend with VF graphql api. Can be used to start UI development without access to one of the full function backends. Not for use in production.
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Band 3 - Frei, Fair und Lebendig – Die Macht der Commons.
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Network resource planning for value networks
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WIP: walk the web of linked open data
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theme for solidbase.info forked from: https://github.com/allnightgrocery/hugo-theme-blueberry-detox
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A presentation about network approaches for increasing technological souvereignty of small scall farmers
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Theme for https://learn.solidbase.info. Forked from https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn
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fork of frab with peer review workflow customizations for the Degrowth conference 2016 in Budapest