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Working on ttl file, moved around text

Lynn Foster requested to merge lynn-ttl into master

No mergy please!! I'm doing this PR so people can look at my humble addition to the ttl file. I added comments from the other doc; and added a bunch of properties (the ones that are datatype properties or reference non vf stuff). Moved all of the text that wasn't a rdfs:comment into more general files, although it is not really integrated yet, just parked.

This ttl file won't load in webvowl; but it does seem to validate. So I'm not sure what is wrong with it, but I'm sure something. I also would like a review, in particular I'm not sure how to do the ranges of the datatype-y properties. But also in general.

And I have some temporary comments when we have more than one non-hierarchical class as domain. I fixed a few of those, but more to be figured out.

And I'm sure I'm still missing some properties, I just made sure all the ones from the existing doc got in there.

Merge request reports