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removed Transfer

elf Pavlik requested to merge github/fork/elf-pavlik/just-process into master

Currently we discuss how to model transfer of rights and responsibilities in #148 (closed) as well as we have a dedicated transfer milestone

At this moment vf:Transfer only attempts to track provenance in very special case, at the same time #392 tries to look for general way of tracking provenance and very likely we will need to defer it to composition milestone

#389 clarifies definitions of actions, including which do change existence and which not. Given that one can easily filter processes which have aspect of transformation from those which do not. Also based on #148 (closed) and transfer milestone one will have a way to filter processes referenced from flows that involve any kind of transfer.

Given above and in addition as shown in #393 that some processes currently recommended to record as vf:Transfer, will require flows for use and work, it seems reasonable to simple use Process for all those scenarios and document how to reason weather any Process that have aspect of transformation, transportation, transfer etc.

NOTE: github doesn't present diff very well here, this PR mostly rearranges order of sections and makes minor edits to few of the sections.

Merge request reports