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Inverse and M:M relationships more RDF friendly

Lynn Foster requested to merge inverse into master

(This mostly relates to issue #701 (closed). It has come up concretely in working on extending ActivityPub with VF in order to standardize how VF could work in the fediverse. I still need to verify with @pospi that these changes will also be better or at least not mess up the holochain/graphql work - but I'll create a better doc than this one for that.)

Inverses were added to the relationships that have come up as needed.

M:M relationships where there are no attributes involved (not reified) were changed to 1:M from the direction they would be most often used.

reciprocal in ProposedIntent was made into a relationship in order to not have to account for it as an attribute.

inScopeOf range was changed to vf:Agent, to simplify the inverse relationship, as well as simplify scoping in general. Since we have added EcologicalAgent to the model, I think that will cover the original stated desire for a more broad inScopeOf. (Issue #583 (closed))

Note this MR is not complete, we may want to add a directional change to M:M relationships with attributes. I'll remove the "draft" when it is ready.

@elf-pavlik you might be interested in the inScopeOf change, I'd like to know if that seems OK with you. 😊 If you decide to take a look, I'd also be interested in your RDF perspective on all of it!

Merge request reports