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Graphene new classes

Lynn Foster requested to merge graphene-new-classes into master

I'm merging this in, even though it doesn't run locally with graphiql. It does compile.

I've abandoned this version for the "demo app" project, since I can't get it to work, and started with the old NRP instead, which has a working api with older VF.

So, at some point, it would be good to get the current VF onto the vocabulator installation on pythonanywhere. To do that, we DON'T want to use this version, we would want to go back to before graphene and graphql was added, take that version and add the new models created since then. Even though this version runs all the original vocabulator features fine locally, it is risky to install it on pythonanywhere, now that we've had the experience of the old NRP version based graphql api working great locally, but not compiling when installed on pythonanywhere, even though all the site-packages listed are the same version as the local copy. This stuff seems overly fragile, which makes sense given its age and currently unsupported libraries.

Merge request reports
