event_attachments_attributes: %i(id title attachment public _destroy),
:title,:subtitle,:event_type,:time_slots,:language,:abstract,:description,:logo,:track_id,:submission_note,:is_special_session,event_attachments_attributes: %i(id title attachment public _destroy),
@user.person.submitted_individual_paper_in?(@conference)and# has submitted individual paper in the conference
event.event_type=='Individual Paper'and# Is Individual Paper
event.conference==@conferenceand# Is in the correct conference
event.subcategory.in?(@user.person.subcategories_submitted_in(@conference))and# Is of the right subcategory
notevent.review_reservations.where(person: @user.person).any?and# Has not already been reserved by user
notevent.event_ratings.where(person: @user.person).any?and# Has not already reviewed
(event.ratings_by_submitters+event.peer_review_reservations_count)<2and# has neither 2 reviews by peers, nor 2 reservations, nor 1 review 1 reservation
(event.ratings_by_submitters+event.peer_review_reservations_count)<5and# Has less than 5 reviews + reservations by peers
notevent.people.where(id: @user.person.id).any?and# Submitter is not part of
event.current_state.in?([:submission_finished,:review])and# submission has the correct state
@conference.ip_peer_review_deadline>DateTime.nowand# Deadline did not end
(@user.person.review_reservations.peer_reservations.count+@user.person.event_ratings.peer_reviews.count)<2# does not have 2 reviews, 2 reservations or one review + 1 reservation
(@user.person.review_reservations.peer_reservations.count+@user.person.event_ratings.peer_reviews.count)<5# Has less than 5 reviews + reservations
# Can free an event from reservation if it was reserved as a peer by the user
event.current_state.in?([:submission_finished,:review])and# Submission as been finished
notevent.review_reservations.where(person: @user.person).any?and# Did not already reserve
notevent.event_ratings.where(person: @user.person).any?and# Did not already review
event.subcategory.in?@user.subcategories_assigned_to_in(@conference)and# Is of the right subcategory
notevent.conference.ss_review_deadline.past?and# Special Session Review Deadline not over
(event.expert_review_reservations_count+event.ratings_by_reviewers)<2# Event does not have either 2 Reservations or 2 Reviews or 1 Reservation and 1 Review
(event.expert_review_reservations_count+event.ratings_by_reviewers)<5# Event does not have either 5 Reservations + Reviews
notevent.conference.ip_expert_review_deadline.past?and# Individual Paper Review Deadline not over
(event.expert_review_reservations_count+event.ratings_by_reviewers)<1# Event is neither reserved nor reviewed by an expert
(event.expert_review_reservations_count+event.ratings_by_reviewers)<5# Event is neither reserved nor reviewed by an expert
=f.input:submission_note,:input_html=>{:rows=>2},:hint=>"Please add any additional information. If you selected 'other', please describe your proposed theme here."
=f.input:relevance,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Please assess on scale 1-5 how relevant the proposal is to the conference theme (1-12) under which it is submitted.',label: 'Thematic relevance'
=f.input:quality,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Please asses the scientific quality of the presentation in relation to the quality you expect from the International degrowth conference?'
=f.input:relevance,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Please assess on scale 1-5 how relevant the proposal is to the conference themes under which it is submitted.',label: 'Thematic relevance'
=f.input:quality,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Please assess the scientific quality of the presentation in relation to the quality you expect from the International degrowth conference?'
=f.input:clarity,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Is the abstract well structured? Is the argument clear? Please rate on a scale below.',label: 'Clarity of Presentation'
=f.input:originality,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Are the methods or the approach innovative for the degrowth discussions? Do they promise new relevant results? Does this abstract show something of novelty? Please rate on scale below.'
=f.input:confluence,collection: 1..5,include_blank: false,hint: 'Does this proposal link different research disciplines or different stakeholders in a unique path towards degrowth? Please rate on a scale below.',label: 'Disciplinary Confluence'
=f.input:regionality,as: :boolean,hint: 'Does this proposal refer to degrowth perspectives from the context of European eastern and southern semiperiphery*?',label: 'Regional contextualisation'
*There are almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region. Southern Europe
and Mediterranean fare no better. That is why we use the term semiperiphery. For the purposes of this
conference you may consider this region to include geographical, geopolitical and socioeconomic regions of
Baltic European states, former Warsaw pact countries, Russian Federation, Central and Eastern
European members of the EU, Eastern Mediterranean including Turkey, Greece, Israel and Palestine.
The Balkans, Italy and Iberian Peninsula may also be included.